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金砖国家健康医疗国际合作委员会 (BRICS Committee For International Cooperation Health care 简称金健委 BCICH),是旨在以金砖各国传统医学和 现代健康医疗科技相结合,以公平有效为基础的卫生健康管理模式,以大幅改善 金砖国家人民健康和生命质量,促进金砖国家经济社会升级发展为目标的,由金 砖各国政府、医学界、科学界、、工商界、司法界等力量组建的国际合作组织机构。

The BRICS International Cooperation Committee on Health Care (BRICS Committee For International Cooperation Health care referred to as the BCICH) is an international partnership organized by BRICS governments, medical, scientific, business, judicial and other forces to achieve a significant improvement, And the health , quality of life of BRICS people and promote the economic and social upgrading of BRICS countries, with the aim of combining traditional and modern health care technologies and equitable, effective health management models.

BCICH 自 2017 年 7 月由金砖国家卫生部长暨传统医学高级别会议发起, 于2018年南非约翰内斯堡第十次金砖峰会正式启动金砖国家健康医疗国际合作 组织筹备委员会,总部设在南非伊丽莎白港市,并分别在中国、俄罗斯、印度、 巴西设立了机构事务部。成员必须是主权国家才能获准加入,理事会由金砖国家 和非洲国家工商界代表等组成金砖健康议事委员会,首届主席由现任南非国家议会事务主席 Cedric Frolick 先生担任.

BCICH launched by the BRICS Ministers of Health and traditional Medicine High-level Conference in July 2017, the Preparatory Committee for the BRICS International Cooperation in Health and Medicine was officially launched at the 10th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2018. Headquartered in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, and in China, Russia, India, Brazil set up institutional affairs. Membership must be sovereign in order to be admitted. The Board comprises BRICS and business representatives from African countries to form the BRICS Health Committee, the first of which is chaired by Mr. Cedric Frolick, the current President of the South African Parliament

BCICH 是金砖国家卫生健康问题的咨询顾问和协调机构,它负责对金砖国 家卫生健康事务提供调查研究、策略咨询,拟定卫生健康议程,制定健康医疗标 准规范和循证卫生健康政策方案,向金砖各国提供卫生健康治理技术支持,监测 评估金砖国家卫生健康发展状况及改进措施。

BCICH is the BRICS advisory and coordinating body on health issues. It is responsible for providing research, strategic advice, health agenda formulation, health standards and evidence-based health policy programs, providing technical support to BRICS countries on health governance, monitoring and evaluating BRICS health development and improvement measures.

遵照金砖国家卫生部长会暨传统医药高级别会议发布的《金砖国家加强传统 医药合作联合宣言》----将人民健康放在优先发展的战略地位,推动金砖国家将 健康融入国际合作,通过创新构建良好的卫生系统,充分考虑健康因素的广泛性、 社会性和整体性,将深化改革作为促进健康的重要动力,为国民提供基本医疗卫 生服务,坚持把基本医疗卫生制度作为公共产品向全民提供,努力在分级诊疗、 现代医院管理、传统医学以及综合监管等优质高效、整合型的卫生服务系统,为 民众提供全生命周期、全流程的健康服务。

In line with the Joint BRICS Declaration on Strengthening Cooperation in Traditional Medicine issued by the BRICS meeting of Ministers of Health and High-level Meeting on Traditional Medicine - placing people's health at a strategic priority for development, promoting the integration of health into international cooperation among BRICS countries, building sound health systems through innovation, taking fully into account the universality, socially and integrity of health factors, deepening reform as an important driving force for health promotion, providing basic health services to citizens, insisting on the provision of basic health systems as public goods to all, and striving for high-quality, efficient and integrated care at the levels of diagnosis and treatment, modern hospital management, traditional medicine and integrated supervision Integrated health service system to provide the whole life cycle, the whole process of health services.

金健委的宗旨是促进金砖各国提升医疗水平,增进金砖人民健康福祉。 金健委的主要职能包括: 促进流行病(尤其是新冠肺炎等新发传染病)和地 方病的防治; 改进公共卫生、重大疾病和慢性疾病管理的科学研究与预防治疗; 促进生物健康和生物安全;促进医疗事业(精准医疗、智慧医疗)和健康产业协 同发展。

The aim of the Golden Health Commission is to promote the BRICS countries to health care and improve the health and well-being of BRICS people. The main functions of the Commission include: promoting the prevention and treatment of epidemics (especially new infectious diseases such as new corona pneumonia) and endemic diseases; improving scientific research and preventive treatment in the management of public health, major diseases and chronic diseases; promoting biological health and bio-safety; and promoting the coordinated development of medical services (precision medicine, intelligent medicine) and the health industry



